Thursday 27th and Friday 28th of August 2020


Global Imbalance – Geopolitics – Exist in a disrupt world

Thursday 27 august 2020's session

Friday 28 august 2020's session

Thursday August, 27th
Openning ceremony by Jean-Pierre RAFFARIN, Former Prime Minister, Chairman of the Foundation Prospective & Innovation 2h30 pm - 2h45 pm
The Lockdown of China by United States
Introduction video from Jean-Paul BETBEZE, Economist, President of BETBEZE Advisory
  • Pascal BONIFACE, Director at IRIS
  • Ali LAIDI, Researcher at Ecole de Pensée sur la Guerre Économique (EPGE)
  • Nicole BACHARAN, History and political science researcher, former National Fellow at the Hoover Institute, University of Stanford
  • Caroline PUEL, Author, Business & Geopolitics teacher
2h45 pm - 4h00 pm
Europe a key player Key note speech – Thierry BRETON, European Commissioner in charge of industrial politic, interior market, technology, security and space 4h00 pm - 5h00 pm
Conclusion by Isabelle BOUDINEAU, Vice president international and Europe of Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region and Jean-Pierre RAFFARIN, Former Prime Minister, Chairman of the Foundation Prospective & Innovation 5h00 pm - 5h15 pm
Friday August, 28th
The territories facing decoupling risks – The example of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region
  • Alain ROUSSET, President of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region
  • Elisabeth MORIN CHARTIER, European representant 2007-2019, Member of the high advisory council of equality
  • Dominique BUSSEREAU, President of the Assembly of departments of France
9 am - 10 am
Dwell in a broken world
  • Vladimir YAKUNIN, Chairman of the Advisory Council of the Research Institute « Dialogue of Civilization »
  • Renaud GIRARD, Journalist at Figaro
10h15 am - 11h30 am
The impact of crises on France’s place in the world Economy - Key Note Speech – Franck RIESTER, Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade and Economic Attractiveness 11h45 am -12h30 pm
Last Word d’André CHIENG, Chairman of AEC, Vice-Chairman of the France-Chine Committee 12h30 pm - 12h50 pm
Conclusions by Jean-Pierre RAFFARIN, Former Prime Minister of France and Chairman of the Foundation Prospective & Innovation 12h50 pm - 13h00 pm
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